Art History and Painting

Combining color theory, design, composition and paint application, this unit does not compromise any area of painting needed to create a work. Students first were introduced to color theory; color schemes, harmonizing, mixing, primary, secondary, tertiary, split complimentary, analogous, etc etc.

After two weeks of color studies, the students began an investigation into art history, and chose a specific time period to research and focus on. We focused on color and its impact, symbolism and use at different time periods, and how it was used differently in Art across decades.

Their final painting, a modernized version of a historic style of painting, took on about a 6 more weeks to complete. The students chose an artist, time period, and painting to use as inspiration for their own painting.

Below are photos of some of the process. Some of the styles investigated are

Pop Art/Postmodern/Impressionism/Ancient Chinese painting/Comic/Minimalism

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