First Few Years

My apologies, to those of you who are outside of the lifestyle that I have so embedded myself into these past two years; apologies for not allowing you to follow it. The first two years in here, my hours were spent pervading the hallways of an International School, which at that time, was just getting started…as was my teaching career. The 1-hour planning per hour lesson normally took at least 2-3 hours at first, hence my lack of appearances and a consistent reminder to “just breathe”. The first year was by far the most taxing, not to mention the fact that it was my first year living in a non-English speaking country.

I recently stumbled upon my photographs from those two years. A lot can happen around you when your only looking forward, and its even better when you take part in making all those things happen. There was never enough time to even take a glance; I held on rather indiscreetly to the wire, pulling myself into the finish line, only to start again each time; but I guess that’s how teaching is. I am not sure how to document these years, beginning to end, performance to performance, project to project. I suppose a slideshow may do for now. I was not the best at documenting with pictures at that time, but here’s a few.

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